
Banshee tv show amish girl
Banshee tv show amish girl

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Not necessarily their personalities, like with Rebecca, but they are turned into reactionary props a lot of the time as opposed to the male characters - they only get to react. But there have been a bunch of moments that've rubbed me the wrong way about how they're written, yes. I like them a lot don't get me wrong and I like the show a lot, this is just a vent. But no, wait again, after the husband is dead, I finally realised his worth! Scratch that, screw the husband, I'll have an affair with some random military dude. Hey, so maybe I'll just sleep with the guy instead and then instantly come back to my loving husband. Wait, she does after all! No, wait, it's fake diamonds. But hey, at least she still has his diamond cut, right? Wait, no, she doesn't. A guy goes to jail for 15 years, apparently a simple "thank you" is too much for her.

banshee tv show amish girl

I, for one, find Carrie extremely annoying and incoherent. But I can see your point, the shift from amish girl was a bit rushed (that said, note she was partying at the Forge long before she was shunned) and yes, female characters are the Achilles Heel of this great show (pretty common problem amongst other shows as well). And to that respect you could say she is well-written. Rebecca is basically textbook borderline personality disorder. I'm both enjoying it and annoyed that he didn't just fuckin kill him It feels like a hot chick badass gimmick.Įdit: I just got to the part where Hood stabs Chayton in the dick and wanted to acknowledge that here. Nothing has made me believe she had reason or drive or ambition to become the character she has. With Rebecca it just bothers me every time she's on screen.

banshee tv show amish girl

I have a problem with how most of the female characters on this show are written but I can overlook it most of the time. It's like they replaced her personality with Alex's sister's "badass" shit to keep her relevant. And now she's back to crying cause Proctor had her apologize to the Philly drug guys? Saying stuff like "word on the street is." ? What street has she ever been on? Who does she speak to besides Proctor and the side dude? She didn't get educated past 8th grade but she's supposed to know all this shit about business and supply and demand after looking at a few computer files? I don't understand her character. I would buy it if something awful happened to her and it made her want revenge but nothing did, except by Proctor- she just went from having empathy and feelings to being henchman #2. It was literally like a switch flipped and one episode she was a new aggressive character with newfound motivation to defend Proctor and kill anything that moves - but where the hell did that motivation come from? One second she's helping a stripper get away and feeling trapped and freaked over Jason's murder and the next she suddenly shoots peoples kneecaps if they say a bad word about Proctor? Burning people alive with a smile? Hitting people over the head with wood if they annoy her? Her personality totally changed and there was no reason. I get they wanted to make her a 'strong' female character and that to these show writers that means making her a violent killer with no remorse who has fucked Lucas Hood at least one time, but her transition from amish girl into this makes no sense, and it's making it hard for me to enjoy her scenes. 07 - Truths Other Than the Ones You Tell Yourself.04 - Innocent Might Be a Bit of a Stretch.09 - Even God Doesn't Know What to Make of You.

banshee tv show amish girl

06 - We Were All Someone Else Yesterday.

Banshee tv show amish girl code#

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  • Using the following spoiler code for comments: (#s "You're not Lucas Hood.")

    Banshee tv show amish girl series#

    "The series is set in a small town in Pennsylvania Amish country and features an enigmatic ex-con posing as a murdered sheriff who imposes his own brand of justice while also cooking up plans that serve his own interests."

    banshee tv show amish girl

    A subreddit dedicated to the Cinemax original television series, Banshee.

    Banshee tv show amish girl